A few months ago Greg Jewett was asking if I knew of a 3D print pattern for the Newton 2x00 battery tray. Well, I happened on the STL on the Newton Discord and thought I'd share it here for ongoing reference. Now, I've gotten where I figured out how to post a picture on here (I use my own profile here, post a picture, and then use the image link in the message). However, I tried to post the zip of the STL and it would not drop into the file box, nor would the add button work? Maybe a Firefox issue?
Anyway, I have the file and I will upload it to the download area and share the link here when it's published.
Conversation from the Newton Discord:
ApP_hAcK — 11/25/23, 11:45 PM
Has anyone successfully 3d printed a battery case for the 2x00? I know someone had a design for double a batteries. Thinking about trying to make one either as a mold from a real battery or as a 3d print. Want to try my hand at putting LiPo power into the newt with a USB chargfing jack on the battery.
UliUlz — 3/5/24, 12:09 AM
I v been also very thankfull if anybody can send an design for print or other kind of build it. thxc have a nice day.
Pawel (AppleNewtonFan) — 3/5/24, 10:10 AM
I have STL files, but I did not try.
Here you go